Thursday, March 7, 2019

Cheap Ways to Generate More Traffic for Your Website! Recommended..

Websites run on traffic, it's a fact of life.

Whether you're getting paid for every person who visits your webpage, or offering free services as ( free leads every day ) and products  in order to get better , you can never have too much traffic running through your site. More traffic means more people looking at you, means more publicity and money. One way or another, you earn more when your traffic is high. Still, most people wind up investing a lot of money into generating traffic for their sites, so much so that they ultimately lose out because of high overhead costs. They either spend too much on fancy advertising programs, or pay too much money to other web sites to advertise their site, that they ultimately break even at best. But there are always some very interest solutions to increase your website traffic..!!

While most people pay other sites to have links placed to their own site, a two way link is simply an arrangement with another web site wherein you give them a link to your site in exchange for their having a link to yours placed on theirs. Normally, neither side pays the other for the link or any hits redirected, because this type of relationship is intended to be symbiotic. While not every site will agree to such an arrangement, it never hurts to look around for other sites which will agree to this. It will help if you have a high traffic rate to begin with, as this can offer you some bargaining power when trying to work out a two way link deal with a website that also enjoys a lot of traffic. By the same token, if you have a high volume to begin with you can even work out a two way link where you pay them for every hit redirected to them and vice versa, if the web sites you're approaching have relatively lower traffic than yours. This allows them more publicity since you have more traffic, and also allows you to save more money since their initial traffic is lower.


Nikolaos Lasdas