Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The “insane” way to make more Affiliate Commissions


Most of us have our own idea of what insanity is.

Maybe it’s the homeless guy preaching to pigeons on the street.

Maybe it’s people who jump out of planes “for fun.”

Or maybe it’s just running a marathon.

Whatever your view of insanity does have a definition.

Insanity has been defined as “doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.”

A pretty smart guy said that: Albert Einstein.

By his definition insanity would be adding 2 + 2 again and again expecting to equal 5 at some point.

Or jumping up and down over and over expecting you’ll eventually jump high enough to hit the moon.

Or more realistically...doing exactly what you’ve been doing for the past year, 2 years, or 5 years and expecting things to change.

Like (common mistake people make).

(Another common mistake people make.)

Or continuing to ignore your lack of money.

That’s technically “insane.” You’re doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

Now this may come as harsh news but if you don’t actually DO something about your lack of money it’s not going to improve. Things are going to stay exactly the same. And you’re going to keep dealing with all the negative effects of not having enough money.

But the choice is ultimately YOURS. Do you want to do something about it? Do you want to improve your financial situation? Live a life free of money worries?

If so, I can help.

Simply follow my plan for making DAILY affiliate commissions & and maybe even becoming a 100K Affiliate.

Taking action doesn’t have to be difficult…but only YOU can make the change necessary.

Click the link  to take action now..

Talk soon,

Yours In Profits,

Nick Lasdas

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Over 7k in the Past SIX Weeks!!

Hello There,

 It's Third Generation "Safe" Email "List" advertising.
 I guarantee you haven't seen a safelist (AKA "mailer") like this before.

You can tell just by seeing it, at first glance.. it's GENUINELY innovative - you'll be "getting traffic within seconds" as members have said.
 The methods here are New for 3rd Gen... - 100% custom - 1 of a kind site.

- Email ads get 1000+ visits .
- Login pages (and then some) free at this site .
- No credits, no points to send an email to ALL members, everytime.
- STATS on your email ads Too good to be true? Not Here...
- 2 Tier Affiliate program, residuals and 1 times.
- All members are valued here, no pressure to upgrade .
- 21 year site owner.. who pays members, answers support and created this site 100% .

 Go Now.
 Get it Today

 To your success,

 Nick Lasdas

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Maximizing Your Twitter Traffic!!

As an Internet marketer one of your main promotional goals should be to dominate social networks and what better way to access the global market than through Twitter. Simply by attracting followers and making friends you can quickly build a list of valuable leads.
Did you know that Twitter is considered to be one of the most effective and impressive ways to increase traffic?
Most people use Twitter simply to send tweets to one another and keep in contact with friends and family, but as an Internet marketer you can use it to drive traffic a serious amount of to your business sites if you know how.
Just imagine, with the increased traffic to your website, you can gain more subscribers, leads and convert them into paying customers which all leads to increased income.
Let The World Know You’re On Twitter
As we talked about in chapter one, you need to spread the news that you’re on Twitter. You will want to include your Twitter url in your email messages, post blogs and on your websites. That way, everyone will know that you’re using Twitter.
Tweet Good Content Often – Daily Not Weekly!
Believe it or not regularly updating your tweets will help you drive more traffic to your site. Avid Twitter users like people who post tweets regularly. If you want to gain active followers through your tweets you will want to set up a schedule for posting and do your best to stick to it.
You will also want to make sure that you reply to the tweets addressed to you. I don't recommend that you stay on the site all day or spend long hours tweeting away your time. Just pick a good time once or twice a day and login.
If you have a mobile device, all the better because you can sync it up with your Twitter account and you won't have to worry about being away from your computer.
Don't worry if your followers don't become active right away. It may take some time, but they will begin to notice the times that you are more active and after a while they will join in your conversations, which is one of your main goals.
Just remember the basic rule we talked about in chapter three "keep 90% of your tweets full of helpful content and limit your promotional ones". This way you will keep the followers that really matter.
While some personal tweets are a must if you want to help your followers get to know you, you will want to avoid sending out to many personal or unrelated tweets because it can actually cause you to lose followers. After all there aren't too many of your business contacts that will want to hear that you took a shower or what you had for breakfast, so keep your tweets focused!
By taking the time to build good relationships with your followers, you will be laying the ground work for converting them into lifetime customer for your products or business. Establishing a good relationship with your followers is vital if you want to take advantage of the massive flow of traffic that pours through Twitter every day.

Here is a little checklist that you can keep handy:
- Let everyone know that you’re on Twitter.
- Send tweets regularly.
- Retweet good content.
- Reply to the tweets addressed to you.
- Pay attention to the kind of tweets you’re sending.
- Make the tweets personal, but not too personal.
- Most of all, build good relationships.
Using Twitter is fun and easy that is why is has such a big draw. I'll be honest, not everyone who uses Twitter as a marketing tool will be successful because it takes time, effort, and patience to see effective results. But if you follow these steps regularly you should see an increase of activity and conversion.
There’s a proven blueprint for making money of Twitter that works every time.
The first step is to provide constant “pieces of value” that are highly targeted to your specific niche. These Tweets are pure content, they don’t try to sell anything, they just give value.
This blueprint is easy to scale because once you’ve set it up on one account, you can easily do it again on a completely new account that targets a different niche market.
Obviously, for this blueprint to work, you need to be Tweeting regularly, ideally every hour or two. But that’s a lot of work and a huge drain on your time.
Fortunately, there’s now a way to do all of this completely automatically. It’s a brand new system called Autotweets.
To discover how Autotweets can work for you so that you can generate a completely passive income from Twitter check here..

Have a great day,

Nick Lasdas
Webmaster - Entrepreneur

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Cheap Ways to Generate More Traffic for Your Website! Recommended..

Websites run on traffic, it's a fact of life.

Whether you're getting paid for every person who visits your webpage, or offering free services as ( free leads every day ) and products  in order to get better , you can never have too much traffic running through your site. More traffic means more people looking at you, means more publicity and money. One way or another, you earn more when your traffic is high. Still, most people wind up investing a lot of money into generating traffic for their sites, so much so that they ultimately lose out because of high overhead costs. They either spend too much on fancy advertising programs, or pay too much money to other web sites to advertise their site, that they ultimately break even at best. But there are always some very interest solutions to increase your website traffic..!!

While most people pay other sites to have links placed to their own site, a two way link is simply an arrangement with another web site wherein you give them a link to your site in exchange for their having a link to yours placed on theirs. Normally, neither side pays the other for the link or any hits redirected, because this type of relationship is intended to be symbiotic. While not every site will agree to such an arrangement, it never hurts to look around for other sites which will agree to this. It will help if you have a high traffic rate to begin with, as this can offer you some bargaining power when trying to work out a two way link deal with a website that also enjoys a lot of traffic. By the same token, if you have a high volume to begin with you can even work out a two way link where you pay them for every hit redirected to them and vice versa, if the web sites you're approaching have relatively lower traffic than yours. This allows them more publicity since you have more traffic, and also allows you to save more money since their initial traffic is lower.


Nikolaos Lasdas

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Affiliate Marketing - How much do you want it?

If you're considering starting your own business and you think that an affiliate marketing online program is the best way for you to go, this article is for you. Affiliate marketing is by far one of the best ways to make money from home, online. It's easy to start, you can make money fairly quickly and you don't need much money to get started. That doesn't mean, however, that it's all pie in the sky.

There are some cold hard facts you have to be aware of first if you really want to succeed:

1. Every time you open your email you are most likely bombarded with a variety of offers for a great 'sure thing' online business. Even though building a business online is easy and quick, especially compared to an off line business, that doesn't mean it will happen overnight. So many people give up on their online business because they started out with unrealistic expectations and when things didn't work out as quickly as they thought they would, they give up.

Do not jump from one 'sure thing' to the next. If you do that you will never make any money online. You will, however, spend a lot of money on all of these 'sure things'. Find one program that you like, learn all you can about it and stick with it. Be prepared that you may not make any money at all for a few months since it will take time to generate enough traffic to your website. But if you're willing to hang in there you can start really making big money and it will only continue to grow.

2. For most people it will make sense to promote several different products. Think about it, if you have one website where you sell one product and you make a commission of $20 for each product you will need to sell a lot of products to make a good living. If, on the other hand, you have 10 websites and you make $20 for each product you sell on each website, you can sell just one product a day on each site and be making a lot of money!

3. Don't think that all you have to do is put up a website and collect your checks. You will need to learn internet marketing techniques. Even if you only learn one or two you can get all the traffic you need, and learn to convert the traffic you get into paying customers. Some internet marketing techniques are easy to learn and others will take quite a bit of time. How much you decide to learn will be entirely up to you. Just make sure you don't spend all of your time learning and none of your time doing.

Joining an affiliate marketing online program is one of the best ways for you to make a real online income. The sky really is the limit, just make sure that you take your business seriously and spend the time you need in order to make money online. There really aren't any shortcuts.

Nikolaos Lasdas
Webmaster - Entrepreneur